Are you interested in trying out for the Tigettes?
Tigette Tryout Information Meeting
Attend the tryout informational meeting and meet your coaches and learn more about all the Tigette program has to offer!
Attend the tryout informational meeting and meet your coaches and learn more about all the Tigette program has to offer!
2025 Tryout RoutinesMusic and routines will be posted 2 weeks prior to tryouts
MusicTryout Videos |
2025 Off Season/Tryout ClassesTryout Classes
Audition class will last for an hour and the teams coach will be going over dance movement, technique, leaps, jumps, pirouettes, etc. Meet the coach and get personalized feedback on how you can improve before tryouts. Please make sure to check the calendar on the Tigette Tryout Band for times, location, and cost of classes. If no price is listed, the class is free. For private lessons, please email [email protected] |
2025 Summer Schedule
Team Calendars with practice schedules will be passed out at the first parent meeting.
About the program:
Responsibilities and Obligations:
All candidates who are interested in trying out for a Broken Arrow Tigette team need to understand that there are specific responsibilities and obligations which your child must assume in order to qualify and remain part of the squad. These obligations will remain for the entire school year. All Tigettes will be considered athletes and will follow guidelines under the Broken Arrow Public Schools Athletic Department. As a leader, your child will be held to a higher standard and expectation of the coaches, teachers, and school administrators. Being a member of the Broken Arrow Tigettes Program has many rewards and is a valuable experience they will remember for a lifetime. Additionally, your child will provide pride, leadership, and enthusiasm to their school, peers, and community through their dedication to the Broken Arrow Tigettes Program!
Middle School/Junior High Tigette Teams
The middle school/junior high teams will consist of sixth to ninth graders only. All team members will attend one of the Broken Arrow Middle Schools or the Freshman Academy. Tigettes is considered a class during the school day throughout the school year. The team will perform at football and basketball games. The team will attend any other events, community service, and competitions deemed necessary by Athletics and the coaches. This team may attend local, regional, and out-of-state competitions. The team may have after school, evening, and weekend practices as necessary to prepare for camp, pep assemblies, competition, etc. Various fundraising will be required in order to cover some of the expenses. These fundraisers may occur during the evenings and weekend.
JV Tigette Team
The junior varsity Tigette team will consist of freshman, sophomores and juniors. All team members will attend the Broken Arrow Freshman Academy or Broken Arrow High School. Your student will have Tigettes as their 1st hour throughout the school year. All team members will receive an academic grade for this class. Practices are held before school and during 1st hour. The junior varsity team will perform at football, basketball games and wrestling events. The team will attend any other events, community service, and competitions deemed necessary by Athletics and the coaches. This team may attend local, regional, and out-of-state competitions including nationals in Florida. The team may have after school, evening, and weekend practices as necessary to prepare for camp, pep assemblies, competition, etc. Various fundraising will be required in order to cover some of the expenses. These fundraisers may occur during the evenings and weekend.
Varsity Tigette Team
The varsity Tigette team can consist of Sophomore - Senior athletes. All team members will attend Broken Arrow High School in Broken Arrow Public Schools. Tigettes is considered a class during the school day throughout the school year. Tigettes will be during 6th hour. All team members will receive an academic grade for this class. Practices are/may be held before school and during 6th hour and after school. The team may have afternoon, evening, or weekend practices as essential for preparing for camp, pep assemblies, competitions, etc. The varsity team will perform at football and basketball games. Participation at other sporting events may also be required. The team will attend any other events, community service, and regional/state*competitions deemed necessary by Athletics and the coaches. The Varsity Tigettes will also attend a national competition**. Participation in competition is expected in order to continue the strong tradition of Broken Arrow Tigettes. All team members will be required to attend and fundraise for competitions. Frequent fundraising occurs at the varsity level. Fundraisers involve the help and support of both Tigettes and parents. The fundraisers do involve time in the evening and on the weekends. Coaches want to reiterate that being a Varsity Tigette is a time commitment and requires each dancer to be organized and utilize their time wisely in order to be a successful student-athlete. If a Tigette would like to hold a part-time job, the coaches ask that girls present calendars to their managers beforehand and must realize that last-minute school events do arise. Conflicts with work schedules are not excused. If team members would like to participate in Studio groups or additional sports, Tigettes must understand that Broken Arrow Tigettes comes first, and we ask that they communicate with coaches regarding scheduling issues.
All candidates who are interested in trying out for a Broken Arrow Tigette team need to understand that there are specific responsibilities and obligations which your child must assume in order to qualify and remain part of the squad. These obligations will remain for the entire school year. All Tigettes will be considered athletes and will follow guidelines under the Broken Arrow Public Schools Athletic Department. As a leader, your child will be held to a higher standard and expectation of the coaches, teachers, and school administrators. Being a member of the Broken Arrow Tigettes Program has many rewards and is a valuable experience they will remember for a lifetime. Additionally, your child will provide pride, leadership, and enthusiasm to their school, peers, and community through their dedication to the Broken Arrow Tigettes Program!
Middle School/Junior High Tigette Teams
The middle school/junior high teams will consist of sixth to ninth graders only. All team members will attend one of the Broken Arrow Middle Schools or the Freshman Academy. Tigettes is considered a class during the school day throughout the school year. The team will perform at football and basketball games. The team will attend any other events, community service, and competitions deemed necessary by Athletics and the coaches. This team may attend local, regional, and out-of-state competitions. The team may have after school, evening, and weekend practices as necessary to prepare for camp, pep assemblies, competition, etc. Various fundraising will be required in order to cover some of the expenses. These fundraisers may occur during the evenings and weekend.
JV Tigette Team
The junior varsity Tigette team will consist of freshman, sophomores and juniors. All team members will attend the Broken Arrow Freshman Academy or Broken Arrow High School. Your student will have Tigettes as their 1st hour throughout the school year. All team members will receive an academic grade for this class. Practices are held before school and during 1st hour. The junior varsity team will perform at football, basketball games and wrestling events. The team will attend any other events, community service, and competitions deemed necessary by Athletics and the coaches. This team may attend local, regional, and out-of-state competitions including nationals in Florida. The team may have after school, evening, and weekend practices as necessary to prepare for camp, pep assemblies, competition, etc. Various fundraising will be required in order to cover some of the expenses. These fundraisers may occur during the evenings and weekend.
Varsity Tigette Team
The varsity Tigette team can consist of Sophomore - Senior athletes. All team members will attend Broken Arrow High School in Broken Arrow Public Schools. Tigettes is considered a class during the school day throughout the school year. Tigettes will be during 6th hour. All team members will receive an academic grade for this class. Practices are/may be held before school and during 6th hour and after school. The team may have afternoon, evening, or weekend practices as essential for preparing for camp, pep assemblies, competitions, etc. The varsity team will perform at football and basketball games. Participation at other sporting events may also be required. The team will attend any other events, community service, and regional/state*competitions deemed necessary by Athletics and the coaches. The Varsity Tigettes will also attend a national competition**. Participation in competition is expected in order to continue the strong tradition of Broken Arrow Tigettes. All team members will be required to attend and fundraise for competitions. Frequent fundraising occurs at the varsity level. Fundraisers involve the help and support of both Tigettes and parents. The fundraisers do involve time in the evening and on the weekends. Coaches want to reiterate that being a Varsity Tigette is a time commitment and requires each dancer to be organized and utilize their time wisely in order to be a successful student-athlete. If a Tigette would like to hold a part-time job, the coaches ask that girls present calendars to their managers beforehand and must realize that last-minute school events do arise. Conflicts with work schedules are not excused. If team members would like to participate in Studio groups or additional sports, Tigettes must understand that Broken Arrow Tigettes comes first, and we ask that they communicate with coaches regarding scheduling issues.